Training Teams

coverage per station
training time
per worker

Training Teams are using Covalent to:
Improve Training Effectiveness
Increase Training Efficiency
Standardize Pathways
Trusted Training Leaders
Manufacturing training teams across the globe trust Covalent to ensure workers are ready for the shop floor.

The Covalent training Matrix has been a one-stop shop to see exactly who is qualified in which skill. It has also helped to identify whose training is up to date in the system. I have used the matrix to identify our training shortfalls, that way if we hire more employees, we know exactly what training is needed in order to fill the gaps of areas we might not have much coverage on.

I have not seen a product like this on the market: Covalent’s platform allows us to truly ramp up a training program for a product line. This is something Training Managers and professionals previously struggled with on a daily basis.

The data visibility offered with Covalent has put everyone on the same page about training across the plant. We’ve never had operators be able to see what they are qualified in at a glance.
Unlock the Full Potential of Your Team
Boost productivity and streamline operations with Covalent Networks