Consistent, Data-Driven Job Assignments

Intelligent Work Allocation (IWA) arms frontline leaders with a data-driven approach to job assignment improving efficiency and reducing time to work.

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How it Works

IWA provides an integrated experience that ensures users can Prioritize Jobs, Manage Team Availability, and utilize an Intelligent Assignment Matchmaking system to determine most optimal assignments to maximize productivity and facilitate real-time communication.

Define Job and Worker Inputs
Easily prepare for optimized shift planning
Run Matchmaking
Harness AI to pair job priorities with the best-fit workers, optimizing productivity.
Adjust, Review, Publish
Streamline your assignment process then track shift performance for continuous improvement

Key Feature Highlights

Job Prioritization

Streamline your workflow with Intuitive Job Prioritization

  • Utilize a drag-and-drop interface for effortless organization of jobs by priority, ensuring critical tasks are addressed first.
  • Select from a comprehensive backlog specific to each zone to tailor your job priority list, ranking jobs based on importance.
  • Make faster prioritization decisions by leveraging quick drill down tools that put critical job attribute data in context.

Resource Management

Centralized Team Management at you fingertips

  • A unified interface provides a complete overview of your team, enabling efficient management of availability based on capacity and absenteeism.
  • Access detailed profiles of team members to gain insights into each worker’s skill set and job execution history.
  • Quickly share resources across shifts & zones to balance shortages and surpluses in coverage.

Job Assignment Engine

Optimized Job Assignments Powered by Machine Learning

  • Leverage an assignment recommendation system to match workers with job priorities, considering training certifications, experience, and past efficiency.
  • Review machine-generated assignment recommendations & make tactical adjustments for tailor-fit task delegation.
  • Publish assignments directly to a virtual job board, streamlining communication and ensuring clarity among team members.

Performance Insights

Continuous Development with Automated Reporting

  • Gain visibility to critical performance insights and derive actionable opportunities for targeted team development.
  • Identify performance bottlenecks across the workforce to determine new areas to focus training and process improvement.
  • Empower leadership with data-driven decision-making tools to foster a culture of excellence and ongoing enhancement.
Utilizing historic worker efficiency data to generate recommended work assignments has a lot of potential to save our Supervisors time and boost overall productivity.
Operations Manager
Electronics Assembly
I love that this system gives us a one-stop-shop for job assignment planning, instead of having to go through multiple sources to pull one-off pieces of data today.
Shift Supervisor
Jet Engine MRO
Absenteeism and worker turnover can run very high. Being able to rely on data to make assignment decisions can help us react to last-minute no shows more easily.
Shift Supervisor
Automotive Assembly

Everything to optimize your work allocation process

Save Admin Time

30%+ time saved for Supervisors during work allocation by eliminate manual matching.

Boost Productivity

5%+ productivity gains by leveraging OLE data to optimize work assignments.

Bolster Flexibility

React to last minute changes in demand, materials and worker availability.

Improve Collaboration

Streamline communication across shifts with programmatic shift handover reports.

Codify Expertise

Digitize tacit workforce knowledge held only by experienced production leaders.

Continuous Development

Drive workforce development with automated insights derived from job performance.

Try IWA for Yourself

See how you can use Covalent to train your workers on job-speicific capabilities and leverage data to make frontline workforce decisions.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Team

Boost productivity and streamline workforce operations with Covalent

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